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This feature film was released in  June 2018. Find out the best return of investment through product placement with low cost investment with our next project that will amaze you...!!!




This Film is a perfect opurtunity to brand through product placements as it will be featured in many countries. Language will be in Tamil and it will be given for Dubbing in certain states in India. 

Production ended in Nov 2017. Massive promotion and marketing will begin as early as Jan 2018. There will be an audio launch on May 2018 together with a Press Conference. 

Gloria captured the hearts of Malaysian movie goers. We believe we can hit further with the right method given to investors. "Massive marketing, promotion, good cast, talents and quality planning brings our next movie to the highest level." - Director 



The Film is targeted to be released in Cinemas on JUNE 2018. Massive Facebook/Twitter news, Banners, Buntings, Advertisements on Newspapers and Magazine will boost the exposure and awareness.

"And We are ready to BRAND you...!!!"

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